Puglia region, Italy

Medimex + Puglia Sounds

MEDIMEX International Festival & Music Conference is born under the sign of internalization, training and career counselling and guidance.

Since 2011 the essential bridge between the Italian and the international music scene, MEDIMEX event features debates, showcases, and a variety of networking sessions for music professionals.

MEDIMEX is promoted by Puglia Sounds, the public office created in 2010 by the government of Puglia Region, which is located in the South East of Italy, to boost Puglia’s musicians and music industry and help establish the region as a major player in the Italian and international music scene. Through targeted programs, strategic partnerships, and high-profile public events, Puglia Sounds supports musicians and music professionals, as well as the companies involved in music production, recording, distribution, promotion and programming.

Puglia Sounds achieves its goals through public grants handled by various programs, including Puglia Sounds Export, which aims at promoting Apulian musicians and music productions abroad and developing international collaborations and networking.


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