Charlie Nipanan

Artist, DCNXTR

After many years being a multi-instruments musician in various Thailand based indie bands. Decided to quit a job as a graphic designer and moving to San Francisco, California in 2011 to attending an Audio Engineering and Music Production School. Graduated and moving back to Thailand in 2013 to work as a sound designe artist.

Since then he spent a years composing commercial musics and doing sound design projects, and also with an experiences from doing Electronic acts called “DCNXTR” (which is notable from combining sounds and visuals design to create a blissfully experiences to an audiences.) and being a guitarist in an alternative rock band “ABUSE THE YOUTH” and “THE CHARAPAABS , It’s help create a wider range of a musical genres, from organic to an electronic music


Bangkok, Thailand

De connextor or simply DCNXTR is a Bangkok based electronic act that brings together the essence of dream pop infused with futuristic sounds creating a powerful and exquisite melody, combined with a dream-like voice in the midst of these synthetic sounds.

DCNXTR project began in 2007 with Charlie de Nipanan and Piruntar Kalasanimi, both shared a common philosophy when it came to electronic music. They began creating music together and playing it live whenever they have the chance.

The single “p./again” from “connext” was a big hit in Thailand, it went on to become number 1 on CAT radio chart (the biggest independent radio station in Bangkok) and was also selected as iTunes’ Best of 2015 - Thailand’s Best Song—not to mention, it became the most popular track for the Thailand’s hit series “I hate you / I love you”.


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