Gaetano Partipilo & Boom Collective
Puglia, Italy
Gaetano Partipilo & Boom Collective – new album POST PANDEMIC AGGREGATION, to be released in November 2021
After the self-titled album released by Auand Records in 2019, Gaetano brings together a line-up of exceptional musicians, who are the very artistic lifeblood of the Puglia region. Post Pandemic Aggregation is the title of this new work, the result of compositions created during the first lockdown in 2020. PPA is a sort of virtual hug with fellow musicians confined to their homes in one of the darkest moments of our time. Many parts of the album were recorded remotely as it was impossible to physically be together. The role of Puglia is even more central here, as one track on the album (entitled Puglia indeed) has lyrics in Italian and quite literally is an outburst of colours.