IMX Upload
Upload Information
On this page, you can submit your video content for IMX 2021. Please read through the requirements and then upload your video.
Please do not change your User ID on the submission form as this links the video to your account.
Any questions? Email us at [email protected]
Main Stage Requirements
Please ensure your video content meets the following requirements:
1. Clean background and clean audio recording, audio should be synced with the video.
2. Neatly-dressed, decent make-up, no tattoos, alcohol or tobacco shown in the video
3. No mentions of religion, politics, explicit words and no vulgar gestures.
Recording Requirements:
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Size: 1GB (maximum)
- FPS: 30
- Format: .mp4
- Duration: 10 minutes (maximum)
1. Please include a phrase at the start of the video where the artist mentions IMX. It can be anything you want. For example “Hey, this is xxxxxx and I’m performing at IMX”
2. Please include an ending message. We recommend to record a video over 30 seconds, no longer than 60s where the artist ends the video and says goodbye to the audience.
3. Please leave a 3-second blank section at the beginning and end of the video.
Video Upload
To submit your video content please ensure you’ve read the requirements and your video meets them.
Please click here to upload.